Saturday, May 26, 2012

More Ouchies from Pete N Macs

 This is Chloe.  Chloe is a regular at Pete N Macs, as is her brother Flex.  The reason they don't share a room is because Miss Chloe has severe separation anxiety, and can jump our 6 foot kennels without scrambling.
 She's a real sweetheart, but she is always looking for a way to escape....which....she did today....for the 2nd time.
She ran outside and jumped right over the 10 foot block wall.  I "Jackie Chan'd" my way over the wall after her and chased her down the railroad tracks in downtown Gilbert.  I finally caught up to her and got her back safe and sound.  She was fine!  I a little worse for the wear.
My hand is torn up in several places....but my wrist was pretty sore like I sprained off to Urgent Care I get x-rays.

Let me start off by's never a good sign when the doctor laughs at your x-rays and follows it up with "You have an exceptionally high pain tolerance don't you?"

The good news is, yes, my wrist is sprained.  The BAD news is, my forearm is fractured in 2 places.  The fractures are on each side of a badly healed spiral break...that I never even knew I had!!!  They estimated that the break was approximately 5 years old.  It has over calcified, so no point in rebreaking it.  Looking at my arm I can see where it was...I've always noticed the bump...but always assumed that it was a fat deposit or something.  So yeah....2 fractures.  Oh joy!

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