Sunday, August 29, 2010

More From Today

Today my Beginner Class graduated and Angel plans on moving into Intermediate with the other 4 from my puppy class. So I'll be able to keep the Intermediate Class on the board afterall! I'm so excited and the store is so impressed with me right now and how I'm filling up my classes. I'm proud of me too!

On top of the fact that my Beginner Class graduated today I also had an AWESOME new puppy class start today. It is so awesome due to the fact that it has Thor, Minnie, and currently Pickles in it. So I love having my puppies from the same litter in class together...playtime was awesome. Tricia and Samantha (Minnie and Thor's owners) really seem to hit it off. I can't wait to see how this enormous and special class progresses.
I'll update with individual photos as I get them.

A Second Chance

Today, Beaker went to his new home. I feel infinitely better about the new family that he has been adopted by. They have decided to name him Chance, since they are his 2nd Chance for a new life.
He ran all around the house and the backyard, loving everything a dog could love: Mud, leaves, other dogs, and lots of toys.He fits right in and has already found a best friend in his new sister: SashaHis new brother, Rusty is still a little standoffish, but will learn to love him.
Chance is going to have a wonderful young owner named Trinity that's gonna cuddle with him to watch movies and plans to read to him.
I don't think he could have found a better home, he's one lucky pup!

Friday, August 27, 2010

My First Class Graduates!

Today my first class graduated. 8 weeks I spent with these people and their dogs and now it's over. Time passes by so fast, but I am so glad to make a difference in their lives. These puppies are so much better than they once were, and I was glad to share in their lives for the last 8 weeks. 4 of the puppies are planning on going into my Intermediate class starting in 2 weeks. I'm so excited!
SchatziStanleyKronkThe Graduating Class!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Minnie Meets Dr. Norman

Today I made yet another trek into Avondale to go to Eye Care for Animals. Except this time, it was for Minnie.

I pack Minnie and Pickles into the car and headed out towards Avondale. I made the long trip for her new mom to check a few things out. Everyone was so happy to meet Minnie, and to see Pickles again. They couldn't believe they were littermates because Minnie was so small!
A 3rd Year Resident student performed all of the tests while Dr. Norman observed (all the while doting on Pickles).
They confirmed that Minnie has Retinal Dystrophy just like Pickles does. She is completely night blind right now, and will progressively lose more of her sight until she's a year old.
Minnie will be in my puppy class in a couple days and we are going to treat her like any other puppy!

If you would like to help Valley Dogs with Pickles and Minnie's vet bills, please donate!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Little Miss Minnie Finds A Home

Yesterday I took Minnie to her new home. By the time I left she had already claimed the place as her own and was already playing and wrestling with her new older brother Brinkley.
Brinkley is a 10 year old Boston Terrier

It sounds like Minnie is going to get signed up for the puppy class with Thor. That'll be nice.

I'm glad that she found a good home.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Return of the Beaker

Beaker will be coming back to us tomorrow morning. Things have not worked out with his adoptive family. It's too bad, but now he has the opportunity to find an even better home!

On another happy note, Minnie has a home visit to meet her new mom on Monday! The mom sounds extremely happy to meet her.

In with one, out with another.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

6 Down, 3 To Go

Today I had home visits for Beaker and Titan. So I am officially down to 3 puppies. Tipsy, Minnie, and Pickles. My fingers may still be partially crossed that we keep Pickles..but who knows. Only time will tell.

I feel good about the adoptions today, there was alot of love in the air and I think they are going to be some spoiled puppies!

Titan was adopted by a nice young military man who lives on his own. Titan is going to be his best friend and the only dog in the house. His new dad, Trevor says he might take him to training. Titan is going to be such a happy little fellow. Best of luck Titan and Trevor!

Beaker was adopted by a nice family that lives in Litchfield Park. They got him to replace their 10 year old Pitbull male that just lost his fight with cancer 2 weeks ago. They renamed him Max, but said they will more than likely nickname him Red Man. His new sister is a 2 year old French bulldog nicknamed Momma. She's getting used to him already. He's going to be living the life of luxury with this new family. Have a great rest of your life Max!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Congrats Freckles, I'll Miss Your Kisses

Today I hopped in my car with Freckles in tow and drove all the way to South Tucson. Freckles (now named Sasha) met with her new family and goodness she seems to love a man in a uniform. She met her new puppy sister, Mariah, a 2 year old Cocker Spaniel. And her new ferret sister too! I think she's going to be happy and spoiled rotten!
Bye Freckles, you will be missed little cuddle bug.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bye Bye Beta

Today Beta went to her new home. I think she's going to be very happy and very loved. They said they are going to sign up for my puppy class, and I look forward to teaching her with her brother Hook.
What a happy family!

Beta giving Hank the Hobo a big smooch.
Beta getting to know Cole and his new mom

Monday, August 9, 2010

Goose and The Top Gun Team

Jack went to his new home today. His new parents Ashley and Jack seem to have all the love in the world to give. They changed his name to Goose to fit in with the other 3 dogs they have to complete the Top Gun team.They have a Boxer female, Charlie, who already loves Goose and was leading him all around the backyard.
They have a Jack Russel/Chihuahua mix who is 3 named Maverick. Maverick isn't a huge fan of Goose yet, but they said he adjusts pretty quickly.
And they have a 6 month old Chi-Weenie named Hollywood, and she loves Goose too. The new family has promised to keep in touch with me and I look forward to seeing all the pictures as Goose bonds with his new family!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Congratulations Hook and Samantha!

Today Hook found his new forever home and his awesome new mommy, Samantha. I feel extremely positive about this. They are going to get along famously. The best part to me is that Samantha signed Hook up for my puppy class starting August 29th. I can't wait to watch him grow and learn. I hope they stay in our lives and keep in touch.

Friday, August 6, 2010

A Name More Fitting?

We have decided to change Spot's name:


Dr. Norman-The Opthalmologist

Today Spot had her appt. with Dr. Norman.

My day started out with getting an appt made for 11am at the Eye Care for Animals Center. However, that hospital happens to be in Avondale so I knew I had a long day ahead of me.When we finally got to the doctors, she stole the show right away. Everyone came and gawked at her. I mean how could they not? She's adorable.We went into the exam room and they did the normal tests: dropping cotton balls all over, moving something in her path to see if she would run into it, and just watching her. The doctor agreed that she was functionally to just find out why.They tested her tear production, put a dye in her eye, and dilated her eye. Then the lights went off and the fancy equipment came out. I wish I would have gotten pictures of the eye exam, because it was really cool to watch how the light was bouncing off the retina in the eye, and her whole eye lit up.

Well, after that whole exam it revealed that her eyes are immaculate...perfect condition. So why is she blind? They talk about all the possible causes: Cancer, Valley Fever, Protozoa, Neurological Disorder, Retinal Displasia, etc etc. They decided to do a electrode retinal wave test. So I had to kill time for 2 hours in Avondale.I stopped at the JoAnns Fabrics store across the street. After a little chocolate bribery the lady in the embroidery department helped me make Spot a special bandanna. But as soon as I finished with it the vet called and told me that Spot was ready to be picked up.
I went back and put her bandanna on. The vet told me that Spot has Retinal Displasia/Dystrophy. Honestly, it was the best diagnosis she could have gotten. It's a congenital defect so it is permanent, but it's not a progressive disease or anything. So she will adapt just fine!
The vet loved Spot and hopes to see her again soon.I am amazed at the commitment that Valley Dogs rescue has made in ensuring the health and happiness of all of my puppies. I know that the vet visit today alone was a bit over the $500 mark and it was not her first eye related appointment and will probably not be her last. If anyone is interested in helping support the rescue cause and chipping in a little towards Spot's medical costs please visit: