Saturday, February 28, 2009

Today, Derek and I officially adopted Jackson. He got his 3rd 5-way DHPP shot. We also saw his sister Jesse there, her new mom was signing the paperwork as well. They didn't seem to recognize eachother.

Tomorrow is Jackson's 2nd puppy training class. But I'm getting slightly paranoid about taking him outside the house, apparently there is a vicious strain of parvo out in the valley right now, and puppies are dropping like flies. :-(

He's doing so well.

Alright, enough about the puppy. Maybe a photo at the end. So, I haven't worked at the daycare in over 2 weeks now. I really need to pick up my paycheck on Monday from there though. Petsmart has been good though. I'm still only getting between 17-25 hours a week, but that's ok. At least for now I'm able to pay my bills.

Derek's aunt leaves for her new job in Texas tomorrow. It's bittersweet for us. She's a younger woman, so we've become very close friends and hang out quite a bit. But we know she really needed and job, and this is a very good opportunity for her. Still, we'll miss her alot.

It's getting hot out her in Arizona, it was 92 degrees out the other day.

Well I don't know what else to say...CUTE PICTURE TIME!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

We decided to keep Jackson, yesterday was the last day of our 2 week trial. He's generally a good boy, but he does drive us a little crazy. 2 days ago he chewed my phone charger into 8 pieces, no bueno. He had quite a setback on his potty training, but I think it's going better now. We have our potty training class tonight, so we'll see. He's also a tad bitey, which I know, he's a puppy, it's what they do. But, still, pisses us off nonetheless. But when he's good, it's just such a good feeling and I love him.

Work has been pretty good. I didn't work at the daycare at all this last week :-( I really wish that they would give me steady hours. I guess I just really need to save any extra money I make, just in case I can't cover my bills. I'm in the process of trying to sell my car. I've had a couple people that are interested, so hopefully something comes of it. I'm hoping to get like $2500 for it. Pay off my loan on it, and pay down my credit card. Then find a cheap truck for a couple hundred.

I've decided to landscape my backyard, don't know if I said that in a previous post or not. I'll be putting in 320sqft of Midiron sod, with pea gravel on both sides of it. And a Raywood Ash tree in the corner of the yard. It'll be nice to finally have a yard I enjoy looking at and being in. Because right now the gravel looks like crap and hurts my bare feet.

I can't believe it's already late February. It seems like only yesterday Derek and I moved into this house, and got engaged. Well, we moved into this house over a year ago. And we got engaged 8 months ago! Time sure flies.

I read the last Harry Potter book again, and I change my standpoint on it. It actually was a very good book, it just has a bad ending. Maybe it's because secretly I would like for there to be more. But I did find myself very much enjoying the book. In July the 6th movie will be coming out, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. So of course, due to family tradition (not Derek's however) my stepdad, sister, and I will be camping out for the premiere. Last time we were 3rd in line. So worth it, we were in the shade :-) Hopefully the movie doesn't disappoint. Though I've read online that they have cut alot of parts of the movie to keep the rating PG. Which, is hard to fathom considering the books are getting darker and darker.

I need new socks.

Jackson starts his Puppy Training class on the 28th. Today he is 10 weeks old. Is it so sad that I want him to be such a good dog? I mean, I want him to be an AKC S.T.A.R puppy. And get a certificate and a medal for good behavior and obediance. And then I eventually want him to get his AKC Canine Good Citizenship certificate. And again, the medal and such. But I just have faith that he can accomplish so much, and will indeed be the dog I've always wanted.

Last night, when we had Jackson outside to go potty, Tiger came into the backyard and sniffed around. She's doing SO much better. No longer hiding under the bed all day long and refusing to eat. Now she's acknowledging that he's a member of the family. Which is good, cause she will be 3 on March 15th, and I can only hope that they will have a long life together. Jackson is such a momma's boy. LOL

I know this entry is really long, but I haven't said much of what I've been thinking lately. I've just been so busy I've had time to check my emails once a day and that's about it. Oh well, at least I'm loving life again!

Take care,

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Busy busy busy

So as I said so abruptly in the previous post, we got a puppy last Saturday. His name is "Stonewall" Jackson Jarvis. Sometimes I call him Stoney, and Derek calls him Jax. But usually we just call him Jackson so we don't confuse him quite yet. He's doing relatively well on potty training. We will get officially approved to keep him on the 21st!

That being said, he does drive me slightly nuts. He gets really bad separation anxiety right now, so I've been sleeping next to his crate at night on the floor. I wake him up every 2 hours to take him outside to go potty, and thus far it's going well, but I would like a full night's sleep for once.

Working at Petsmart is pretty awesome, the hours kinda suck, but otherwise it's a good working environment. Plus I get a 15% discount and free puppy training class! We would like for him to be a AKC S.T.A.R. puppy, and eventually get his Canine Good Citizen certification. It would just be a bonus is all.

Well that's all for now. Happy Valentine's Day everyone.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


So, we got a puppy!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Ick, I hate being sick. My sinus infection is coming back again. I really need to get on some antibiotics. Today has been my first day completely off from work for quite a while. It's so nice. Though, it kinda sucks that I'm spending the day cleaning so that Derek's aunt and uncle can come over on Saturday night.

I've begun posting my car on Craigslist. Trying to get $2500 for it. I'm just trying to get rid of that damn money pit of a car. I'd like to get a nice little truck next.

Work is going pretty well. Double the hours than I got last week. And I get paid tomorrow at Petsmart. I'm just looking forward to having a little spending money...even if it will just go towards groceries or fixing up my car.

That's all for now

Monday, February 2, 2009


I am so sick and tired of working 2 jobs and not even getting 40 hours. The daycare I work at gives me absolutely no respect and treats me like crap. I love the work though. And Petsmart treats me awesome, gives me my schedule a week in advance, and gives me more hours. But they pay me hardly anything and they are 4 miles away.

The bike rides are really starting to take a toll on my knees. :-(

I just wish for once everything would work out for me...I'm grateful that I have a job, let alone 2. But I really just wish I had more. But of course everyone wishes that for themselves.

I'm still sick, about half way recovered. But now Derek is fairly ill. So I'm trying to take care of him. All the while trying to keep the house running smoothly and spend time with Derek at nights and trying to get enough sleep so that I'm not exhausted on the days I wake up at 3:30am just to make it to work on time. ::sighs:: I'm just so tired.

Derek told me that he's so proud of me. That he sees how hard I'm working...

bah family emergency I gotta go