Friday, June 29, 2012

Oh Robert Wilson

"Hey! I just met you! And this is CRAZY!  But I really love you! Be my girlfriend baby!?"

Yeah, that is totally a line that Robert dropped on me tonight!  So....Robert and I are together again.  I think it's gonna stick this time.  That kid is seriously my best friend and we love spending time together.  I think the 3 or so month break we took from being in a relationship really gave me a chance for personal growth.  Now I have friends that I hang out with, I have activities that I enjoy doing and hobbies that I participate in regularly, I have income (for a couple more new job yet  :-/  ).  So I think he saw that I'm not as needy or dependent as I used to be when we first started dating.  I completely agree...I don't have to spend ALL of my time around him, which is how I was the first go around.  Anywho, yeah.  I am very excited about it...I'm sure some people may think that I'm a little nuts, but there's also some others that know Robert and I well, and they said they think fate has brought Robert and I back together.  I'm rambling at this point....just super happy!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Helping People Move

As most of you know, I have been really trying to lose weight this year.  So when people offer me an opportunity to work out that is also fun and I get to hang with friends, I do it.  Today Robert moved into his new house.  So Rob, Allan, and I packed up his whole room and everything and moved it to his new place with his 2 bedrooms.  I LOVE his new reminds me alot of the houses in Phoenix when I spent time with my dad.  Very nostalgic for me.  I definitely worked up a sweat, and got some great exercise. 

Let's hope this new living situation works out better for Robert than the last.  We have been playing video games for a couple hours and just hanging out.  There is a killer/attack cat named Leroy that lives here though.  It pinned me in the corner of the kitchen earlier!  Anywho enough about that for now, I'm going to hang out with Robert a little more and going to go home to spend time with Conner (whom is STILL looking for a home!)  Night everyone!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Acura Integra

Ladies and Gentleman, I am happy to announce that Robert Wilson has crossed the threshold into semi-normalcy and become a car owner and driver like the rest of us!  To most of you that may not seem like a big deal, but Robert hasn't had a license or a car in nearly 2 years, and he relied of bumming rides off people.  So, now my best friend has an awesome Acura Integra, that has a wonderful sound system.  I'm you suppose I'll get to bum rides now?  No?  Nah, I didn't think so either. LOL

Saturday, June 23, 2012

HUSH performs at Monsterland

 Tonight was a very fun night!  Rusty's band, HUSH performed at Monsterland tonight.  It was Monsterland's very first concert, and it was a huge hit.  Along side the concert they did a Heaven/Hell themed costume party!

Chris with the HUSH Mannequin
 My favorite waitress!
 I helped my buddy Allan get a job, and tonight was his first night!
 Rusty performing awesome as always
 Gotta love the Monsterland staff!
What an amazing bunch!
 I had such an awesome grilled cheese sandwich
 This dude went all out!
 Holy cow! Look who showed up at Monsterland to hang out with me!
 He doesn't look the happiest, but Rob is the best for hanging out with me!!!
 Allan is a great security guard!
 But he was cool enough to take crazy pictures with me!
 We are awesome!
 Representing Monsterland!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Conner Needs A Home

 You all have heard about Conner from my past posts.  He's such an awesome dog.  Well, Robert finds himself moving shortly and his roommates told him Conner had to leave.  So Conner is living with me in my apartment, and I need to find him a new home.  Robert knows that I probably have better animal connections than most people. So here's some of him cutest pictures and I'm ready to network with him the best I can!  Wish me luck!


Saturday, June 16, 2012

2 Weeks

So...yeah.....I turned in my 2 weeks notice today.  The working conditions at Pete n' Macs are not suitable for me.  And I feel under constant strain and conflict with one of my co-workers.  My last day is going to be June 30th.  Hopefully I find a new job by then, but if I don't I already have a couple of pet sitting appointments lined up.  Wish me luck!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Stretchy Stretchy

This is PTFE tape, and I am using it to stretch my lobes larger.  I'm currently wearing eyelets that are 7/16".  Soon I will be 3/4"!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

New Clients

 I was contacted recently by a woman looking for pet sitting.  I did a consultation with her and she decided to use my services.  So here's some pictures of the dogs I took care of over the last week.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Fun Pictures with Brie

 Today Brie and I went swimming to take the edge off of a particularly rough week.  We also decided to take a bunch of fun pictures!

The pool we went to had a waterfall and a water slide!

Brie is so much fun!
 I'm so pale!!!
 Bullwinkle Brie!
 She's one of my best friends!
 I stole her glasses  :-p
 We are a bunch of goofs
 Classic Duck Face
 We are a bunch of rockstars
 Little Bunny Brie-Brie
 The jumping pictures were the most fun
 Kung Fu Fighter
 Here's 2 pictures showing a little more skin than I'd prefer, but they really display the amount of weight I've lost!
 Feeling better about my body and losing more weight every day.
We had so much definitely took our mind off work.  It's been so horrible there lately...I don't know how much longer I can take it....time to start looking for a new job I'm thinking!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Look Who Came To Visit!

 Little Miss Minnie and Brinkley are staying at Pete n' Macs for a couple days because their mom is moving to a new house and she wants it to be all set up for them.  So I took a few pictures of the time I got to spend with her, but she's a wiggle butt like everyone else in the litter.  So only a couple photos turned out ok.

 I love Minnie!!! And Minnie loves me!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Robert's Corset

 So most of you guys know that Robert is my best friend in the whole world.  We've been friends since we were 15.  So I felt the need to share this with everyone because I'm so proud of his work.  This is Robert's first "Corset Piercing".  It consists of 49 Captive Bead Rings, and 3 colors of ribbon.  The participant was a champ and the process was finished within a 2 hour span.  This particular project was something that Robert dreamed up and was looking for a participant so he could take pictures of it to put in his portfolio.

Well enough introductions: Here it is!