Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Little Blue Pill

No, Not THAT little blue pill.

The pill to which I'm referring, is the antibiotic Clindamycin.

I had been prescribed to take Clindamycin 3 times a day for 10 days.

Well, Day 3 I had a near anaphylactic shock allergic reaction. The pictures below are after 2 days of heavy duty steroid treatment. The day of reaction, I was head to toe covered in swollen painful hives, I had a very sensitive mouth, I had blisters in and around my mouth, debilitating stomach cramps, horribly itchy palms and soles of my feet.
I'll never be able to take Clindamycin again for fear it could possibly kill me next time. But it could have been worse. I am still taking the medication with a heavy dosage of Prednisone steroid in order to finish combating the infection in my system.

Lesson Learned....unfortunately it's now an embarrassing and itchy/painful lesson I will be dealing with for about a week longer.

1 comment:

  1. OMG!! I had a similar reaction to sulfa meds and they thought I had meningtitis before realizing it was an allergic reaction. Had a spinal tap and everything, haha! Glad you're okay. Hope you can take some lukewarm oatmeal baths while you're waiting for this to simmer down. Just stuff a couple of cups of oats in a sock & tie it off (like a giant tea bag) & throw it in the of luck to you...
