Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Getting In Shape

I have made up my mind that I want to get into shape.

I of course have a weight goal in mind, 70 lbs less than I am.

However, my sights are set more towards my health, than my weight. I want to run again...I want to hike and play with my dogs without being winded. I want to do activities with friends that my knees and back don't start to hurt after a short period of time. And I don't want to feel at risk for diabetes or heart attack.

Health comes first. So I'm watching what I eat. Not cutting out carbs, not necessarily counting calories. But I'm being more wise with my decisions. I've stopped drinking soda and started drinking more water. I'm trying my best not to binge eat as well. I'm keeping a little journal so I can see my progress. I'm going to try to start hiking at least once a week, or at least going for long fast-paced walks with the dogs.

I'm excited, I WILL be successful this time. I have to, for my health.


  1. Hey Carissa! I hope you are feeling better soon. I just got over strep throat, and it sucked :(

    Hope you guys are well, and good for you for getting healthy! I love hearing about your dogs (and your love of them). They will love having you so energized!

  2. Thanks Becca! Hope you had a wonderful Easter with your new little rabbit!
