Friday, March 13, 2009

So, for the past 2 weeks I've been trying to find out all I can about my Widboom Family Tree. Alot of information is lost. And distant relatives have been forgotten. I have made so much progress, but have somewhat hit a wall. The farthest back in my lineage I can go is my Great, Great Grandfather. Who came over to America from Stockholm, Sweden in 1880. Unfortunately Ellis Island didn't start keeping records of the immigrants till 1892. So I can't find out what our name used to be. It's a set back, but I'm determined to figure it out. I want to have it done before my grandparents pass away.

Tomorrow Jackson get's his last DHPP (DHPP stands for Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus) shot tomorrow morning. And I feel bad because of course my work rescheduled me to work from 6am-2pm tomorrow, so I wont get to be there with him. On the up side though, we will be able to finally take him to places like the park and on much more extensive walks when his immunity is fully built up in 2 weeks.

On Monday, we had our first vet appointment with Jackson. I love his vet, he is so good with Jackson and was fully prepared to answer any and all questions (no matter how dumb and paranoid) we had. And I am glad I took him in. We found out that we were doing everything perfectly and that Jackson was extremely healthy. Well healthy except for the infection he has in him, ::clears throat:: for lack of a better word, wee wee. So the vet prescribed him Amoxicillin to be taken twice a day.

My sister, Lacy will be turning 18 in 2 weeks. It's a little crazy to realize that. Not that she's that old, she's been acting older than 18 for years now. It's just knowing how long ago I left home. She was still in Jr. High. I only can hope that life starts getting better for her. I know that the last 3 years have been absolutely miserable for her, and I can feel only the deepest regret that I left when I did, during a rough part in her life. It was never a good family life, but at least she didn't have to experience the abuse like I did. Then when I moved out, it all fell on her. I try to be a good sister, I try to be there for her and not throw my opinion out too often. I'm genuinely proud of her for who she is considering how she was raised the last 3 years.

This blog has indeed been long enough. Sorry.

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