Today Spot had her appt. with Dr. Norman.
My day started out with getting an appt made for 11am at the Eye Care for Animals Center. However, that hospital happens to be in Avondale so I knew I had a long day ahead of me.

When we finally got to the doctors, she stole the show right away. Everyone came and gawked at her. I mean how could they not? She's adorable.

We went into the exam room and they did the normal tests: dropping cotton balls all over, moving something in her path to see if she would run into it, and just watching her. The doctor agreed that she was functionally to just find out why.They tested her tear production, put a dye in her eye, and dilated her eye. Then the lights went off and the fancy equipment came out. I wish I would have gotten pictures of the eye exam, because it was really cool to watch how the light was bouncing off the retina in the eye, and her whole eye lit up.
Well, after that whole exam it revealed that her eyes are immaculate...perfect condition. So why is she blind? They talk about all the possible causes: Cancer, Valley Fever, Protozoa, Neurological Disorder, Retinal Displasia, etc etc. They decided to do a electrode retinal wave test. So I had to kill time for 2 hours in Avondale.I stopped at the JoAnns Fabrics store across the street. After a little chocolate bribery the lady in the embroidery department helped me make Spot a special bandanna. But as soon as I finished with it the vet called and told me that Spot was ready to be picked up.

I went back and put her bandanna on. The vet told me that Spot has Retinal Displasia/Dystrophy. Honestly, it was the best diagnosis she could have gotten. It's a congenital defect so it is permanent, but it's not a progressive disease or anything. So she will adapt just fine!

The vet loved Spot and hopes to see her again soon.

I am amazed at the commitment that Valley Dogs rescue has made in ensuring the health and happiness of all of my puppies. I know that the vet visit today alone was a bit over the $500 mark and it was not her first eye related appointment and will probably not be her last. If anyone is interested in helping support the rescue cause and chipping in a little towards Spot's medical costs please visit: